Bricksave expands investment opportunities with new locations

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By Benjamin Mariner | Bricksave

May 23, 2024

News > Blog Article > Bricksave expands investment opportunities with new …

Landscape picture of San Antonio (TX)

Bricksave is excited to announce the forthcoming addition of new investment locations, each chosen to optimise returns and minimise risks for investors. Our strategy focuses on diversifying our portfolio while maintaining stability and potential for growth. The new locations will include key areas in the Midwest, Texas, and Florida.

Extensive research

Each region has been selected through the combination of data, technology, analytics and industry acumen. Our proprietary real estate sourcing software filters through more than 2 million data points per local real estate market and 275 variables per individual property to identify those with the greatest certainty of performing according to clearly defined investment objectives.

Here’s why we’ve selected these regions and what investors can expect from each:

The Midwest: a stable investment with high yields

Landscape picture of Cleveland (OH)

Cities: Kansas, Saint Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland

Investment Rationale: The Midwest offers a unique combination of stability and affordability, making it an ideal region for real estate investment. Properties in these cities are mid-priced, allowing for competitive yields, whilst the economic fundamentals - such as consistent GDP growth - are strong, contributing to stable rental growth and low vacancy rates. These cities boast middle-class neighbourhoods with high demand, good schools, and stable rental markets, ensuring reliable returns with good prospects for capital appreciation.

Investment highlights:

By moving our focus from C-D+ class properties in cities like Chicago and Detroit to B-class properties, we are increasing the quality of investments and reducing risks, albeit with slightly lower yields. This shift promises more stable returns and better long-term growth potential.

Texas: tapping into a fast-growing commercial corridor

Landscape picture of Austin (TX)

Cities: San Antonio and Austin

Investment Rationale: Texas, particularly the I-35 corridor, is one of the fastest-growing areas in the United States. Whilst Austin is currently too expensive, we expect market fundamentals to shift favourably in the short-term, whilst San Antonio presents a prime opportunity today. The market in San Antonio has grown rapidly in the last decade, attracting widescale new property development. Now, with high-interest rates, developers need to offload inventory, creating opportunities for significant discounts on brand-new builds that are expected to recover their value quickly.

Investment Highlights:

Investing in San Antonio allows us to acquire high-quality properties at lower costs, with excellent potential for long-term appreciation as the city continues to expand and develop.

Florida: capitalising on high demand and strategic locations

Landscape picture of Miami (FL)

City: Miami

Investment Rationale: Miami is a globally recognised city with high demand for real estate. Our strategy focuses on new builds purchased directly from developers, bypassing the high Homeowners Association (HOA) fees that typically reduce rental yields. By avoiding these fees, we can offer better returns to our investors.

Investment Highlights:

Miami's vibrant real estate market and strong international appeal make it an attractive location for real estate investment. Our focus on new houses ensures that we provide modern, desirable properties that command competitive rental rates and a strong probability of capital appreciation.

Solid returns in prime locations await. Start investing today.

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The importance of diversifying your real estate portfolio

Diversifying your real estate portfolio is crucial for maximising both stability and growth prospects in the ever-fluctuating market. While high rental returns can be enticing, focusing solely on this aspect can expose investors to unnecessary risks. A well-diversified portfolio mitigates these risks by spreading investments across various property types and locations, thereby reducing the impact of market volatility on overall returns.

This strategic approach ensures that not all investments are subjected to the same market dynamics, offering a cushion against economic downturns in specific areas or sectors. By balancing properties that provide high rental yields with those that promise long-term capital appreciation, investors can create a more resilient and balanced portfolio.

Moreover, diversification opens up opportunities for consistent growth over time. Different property classes in different regions often exhibit varied growth trajectories influenced by local economic conditions, demographic trends, and government policies. By investing in a mix of residential properties across multiple locations, investors can capitalise on growth in different sectors and regions, ensuring a steady appreciation of their assets. This approach not only enhances the potential for long-term gains but also contributes to a more predictable and stable income stream. In essence, a diversified real estate portfolio is a key strategy for achieving a harmonious balance between immediate returns and sustainable growth, safeguarding investors' interests against market uncertainties.


Bricksave's expansion into these new locations is a strategic move designed to help investors diversify whilst providing stable, high-yield opportunities. The Midwest offers affordable properties with strong yields and stability, Texas presents a blend of decent cash-flow with significant growth potential, and Florida provides high-demand, premium properties with strong prospects for growth.

By carefully selecting these regions and focusing on highly scrutinsed investments, Bricksave continues to deliver on our promise of secure and profitable real estate crowdfunding opportunities.

Invest with Bricksave today and be part of a secure, high-growth investment strategy that spans some of the most promising markets in the United States.


Investing carries risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. Please read our Risk Warning before investing.